Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
We love growing families, therefore, our children's ministry is paramount to us. Serving ages 0-11, we offer engaging Sunday classes that include creative bible studies, prayer, crafts, and other various activities to promote love for God and others. Our goal is to be more than a babysitting club, but a community of believing parents striving together to raise up our children in the ways of the Lord, teaching them to know His Word, hear His voice and obey the leadership of His Spirit. Our church also works together every year to put on an annual vacation bible school for the community and surrounding areas.

Sunday Mornings & Wednesday Nights
Sunday school classes designed for every age! Nursery for 0-3yrs available.
Service designed with your kids in mind. Designed to reach them on their level and inspire them to change and grow in Jesus!
Service designed with your kids in mind. Designed to reach them on their level and inspire them to change and grow in Jesus!
Toddler - 3yrs to 5yrs
KREW - 5yrs to 9yrs
L.O.L Pre-Teen - 10yrs to 12yrs
Toddler - 3yrs to 5yrs
KREW - 5yrs to 9yrs
L.O.L Pre-Teen - 10yrs to 12yrs